Benjamin Grosser

An American multimedia artist who creates interactive pieces combining technology, media, and culture, exploring the impact of algorithms on daily life.

Zach Lieberman

 A New York-based artist known for his work with openFrameworks, Lieberman merges art, technology, and science through code and data.

Sougwen Chung

Canadian-born and a pioneer in integrating robotics and digital art, Chung's work blurs the lines between humans and machines.

Eva Papamargariti

A Greek artist in London, Papamargariti uses data and algorithms to shape images, mixing photography, video, and sound.

Daniel Shiffman

An NYU professor, Shiffman specializes in interactive installations and visuals, exploring chaos and complexity in digital realms.

Artist from Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

Featured as a top artist to watch in 2024, their visionary work is set to influence the contemporary art scene.

Another Artist from Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

Known for their unique style, this artist is shaping the future of digital art.

Third Artist from Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

This artist's innovative approach is redefining the boundaries of digital creativity.

Fourth Artist from Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

Their work showcases the evolving nature of digital art and its impact on modern culture.

Fifth Artist from Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

A rising star in the digital art world, their work is a testament to the limitless possibilities of the medium.