Electability Focus

DeSantis emphasized his electability, contrasting his overperformance in Florida's gubernatorial election with Republicans' underperformance in the 2022 midterms

Israel-Hamas War Stance

 He asserted Israel's right to eliminate Hamas, advocating non-interference by the U.S. in Israel’s war efforts

Border Security and Immigration Policies

DeSantis advocated using military force at the southern border, labeling cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, and proposed banning immigrants from cultures hostile to America's values

Critique of Trump's Presidency

 DeSantis criticized Trump for not fully delivering on promises like draining the swamp and building the wall, and for deporting fewer people than Barack Obama

Inflation and Economic Plans

He proposed reducing government spending and inflation through measures like increasing domestic energy production and reforming university loan systems

China and Taiwan Strategy

DeSantis emphasized opposing China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific and Wall Street to deter China from invading Taiwan

Election Policy Reform

He supported universal voter ID laws and opposed private election funding, mail-in voting, and ballot harvesting

Healthcare and Vaccine Mandates

DeSantis advocated replacing the Affordable Care Act and opposed vaccine mandates, proposing a restructure of the CDC, NIH, and FDA

Early Speculation and Support

Since early 2021, DeSantis has been a potential 2024 candidate, gaining support within the Republican Party and conservative media, and performing strongly in state straw polls

Public and Media Perception

His speculative campaign drew attention and criticism from various quarters, including conspiracy theories and public attacks from former President Trump