The documentary explores the bizarre 2015 kidnapping of Denise Huskins, drawing comparisons to the novel and film "Gone Girl" due to initial skepticism about the authenticity of the kidnapping.
Denise Huskins and her boyfriend Aaron Quinn were victims of a home invasion, where they were drugged, and Huskins was kidnapped and sexually assaulted.
The police initially believed that Quinn harmed Huskins, dismissing his report of the kidnapping as inconsistent and potentially fabricated.
The case gained national media attention, with many outlets hastily drawing parallels to "Gone Girl" and speculating about the couple's involvement in staging the incident.
The Vallejo Police Department, led by Detective Sgt. Mat Mustard, was criticized for their handling of the case, failing to conduct a thorough investigation and prematurely labeling it a hoax.
The case took a dramatic turn when a similar kidnapping attempt occurred in Dublin, California, leading to the arrest of Matthew Muller, who was eventually linked to the Huskins case.
Muller, a former Marine and disbarred attorney, was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison for the kidnapping
The documentary critiques both the law enforcement's mishandling of the case and the media's sensationalist coverage, which added to the couple's trauma.
Created by Felicity Morris and Bernadette Higgins, known for 'The Tinder Swindler', the series offers an in-depth look at the case, inviting scrutiny of the criminal justice system.
Viewers have noted several unresolved aspects in the documentary, such as the purpose and outcome of a camera set up by the kidnapper, and the disappearance of a duffle bag, sparking discussions and theories on social media.